Skelmorlie Secret Bunker
Opening Times:
Open 1pm – 5pm at weekends, April-September
FREE (Pre-booking essential)
Skelmorlie Secret Bunker, Meigle, Skelmorlie,
North Ayrshire, Scotland,
PA17 5HF
Call Frank Alexander on 07513 504 115 or email info@skelmorliesecretbunker.co.uk
Website: HERE

The museum outside Skemorlie in North Ayrshire has a fully restored Royal Observer Corps underground monitoring post built in 1965 as aprt of a United Kingdom wide chain of posts to record and report on the effects of a nuclear attack and decommissioned in 1991.
Access is via a 4-metre vertical steel ladder. The museum site also contains a replica WW2 aircraft reporting post and Cold War monitoring post for families with young children under 10 and those unable to vertically access the underground post.
Pre-booking is essential for guided tours, lasting approximately 1 hour, normally on weekends.