Edward Harold George Dyer Update

On the 22nd of November, 1943, Sergeant Edward Harold George Dyer died while on a bombing raid on Berlin in World War II. The aircraft was likely shot down over the Netherland en-route to the target.

You may remember the name of Edward Harold George Dyer from our story on the crash of a Whitley bomber over Saltcoats in 1943. Sergeant Dyer was on board and survived the crash and continued to serve in the RAF.

We’re absolutely delighted to say we have now updated our page on Sergeant Dyer with information researched and written by Sgt Dyer’s niece, Vera Duncan, and her husband Jim.

We are very grateful to Vera and Jim for submitting to us such a wonderful piece on Sgt Dyer. The pages on our website about the Whitley bomber crash and on the individuals who were aboard will help to preserve their memories and ensure that their sacrifices are never forgotten.

To read the new page, click HERE.