Genealogy is Moving

Some of you may have noticed an announcement on North Ayrshire Council’s page a couple of weeks ago about our genealogy and local history service, which is currently located in Irvine Townhouse…..

We are really excited to share with you that we have closed the doors on the service in the Townhouse and are busy packing up all our treasures ready to relocate to within Irvine Library!

Our Genealogy and Local History Library consists of a wide range of resources relating to the rich history of North Ayrshire and beyond.

These include books, maps, photographs, old newspapers, genealogy resources and accessing the family history site, Scotland’s People…

This is a really welcome move for us and we hope to have more of our resources more accessible.

So, whether you are tracing your family tree, want to look-up old newspapers, or see old photographs, we will be delighted to welcome you, whatever your interest.

Stay tuned to North Ayrshire Heritage and Cultural Services on Facebook and here on our website, where we will keep you updated on this exciting move.